
Flexible payment strategy and design for D2C eCommerce platform

Sunday, a D2C eCommerce platform, partnered with Fuego UX to develop a flexible, pay-as-you-go experience for their website. The goal was to increase conversion rates, improve customer retention, and make the D2C product accessible to a new subset of customers.

The Challenge

Sunday aimed to expand its customer base by offering a more flexible and accessible payment strategy. The existing eCommerce site needed to be optimized to accommodate pay-as-you-go options while ensuring a seamless user experience.

The Work

Fuego UX began by conducting competitive analysis and user research to understand industry best practices and user preferences. Through usability tests and rapid prototyping, the team explored various bundling, pricing, and checkout options to determine the most effective approach. The team collaborated closely with Sunday's engineering team to map out user flows and ensure the feasibility of the proposed solutions. Clear and concise communication of value, price transparency, and high visibility into subscription package contents were prioritized throughout the design process.

The Results

The redesigned cart flow, refined through multiple iterations and A/B tests, significantly improved the user experience and increased conversion rates. The pay-as-you-go option made Sunday's D2C product accessible to a wider range of homeowners, expanding their customer base. Fuego UX's user-centric approach and iterative design process enabled Sunday to successfully implement a flexible payment strategy that resonated with their target audience. The improved eCommerce experience not only boosted customer retention but also attracted new customers who appreciated the accessible and transparent pricing options.

Fuego UX's expertise in UX strategy, user research, and eCommerce design helped Sunday transform their D2C platform, offering a flexible pay-as-you-go experience that increased conversion rates, improved customer retention, and expanded their customer base.

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